The Tragedy Of Macbeth PDF (Drive)[2020]

The Tragedy Of Macbeth PDF (Drive)[2020]

is the most famous version in the series of publisher William Shakespeare

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The Tragedy Of Macbeth PDF 


William Shakespeare

macbeth PDF

About Author:

It is hard to imagine a world without Shakespeare. Since their composition four hundred years ago, Shakespeare’s plays and poems have traveled the globe, inviting those who see and read his works to make them their own. Readers of the New Folger Editions are part of this ongoing process of “taking up Shakespeare,” finding our own thoughts and feelings in language that strikes us as old or unusual and, for that very reason, new.

 We still struggle to keep up with a writer who could think a mile a minute, whose words paint pictures that shift like clouds. These expertly edited texts are presented to the public as a resource for study, artistic adaptation, and enjoyment. By making the classic texts of the New Folger Editions available in electronic form as The Folger Shakespeare (formerly Folger Digital Texts), we place a trusted resource in the hands of anyone who wants them. 

The New Folger Editions of Shakespeare’s plays, which are the basis for the texts realized here in digital form, are special because of their origin. The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC, is the single greatest documentary source of Shakespeare’s works. An unparalleled collection of early modern books, manuscripts, and artwork connected to Shakespeare, the Folger’s holdings have been consulted extensively in the preparation of these texts. The Editions also reflect the expertise gained through the regular performance of Shakespeare’s works in the Folger’s Elizabethan Theatre.

 I want to express my deep thanks to editors Barbara Mowat and Paul Werstine for creating these indispensable editions of Shakespeare’s works, which incorporate the best of textual scholarship with a richness of commentary that is both inspired and engaging. Readers who want to know more about Shakespeare and his plays can follow the paths these distinguished scholars have tread by visiting the Folger either in-person or online, where a range of physical and digital resources exists to supplement the material in these texts. I commend to you these words, and hope that they inspire.


About Play:

Macbeth PDF, set primarily in Scotland, mixes witchcraft, prophecy, and murder. Three “Weïrd Sisters” appear to Macbeth PDF and his comrade Banquo after a battle and prophesy that Macbeth PDF will be king and that the descendants of Banquo will also reign. When Macbeth PDF arrives at his castle, he and Lady Macbeth PDF plot to assassinate King Duncan, soon to be their guest, so that Macbeth PDF can become king. 

After Macbeth PDF murders Duncan, the king’s two sons flee, and Macbeth PDF is crowned. Fearing that Banquo’s descendants will, according to the Weïrd Sisters’ predictions, take over the kingdom, Macbeth PDF has Banquo killed. At a royal banquet that evening, Macbeth PDF sees Banquo’s ghost appear covered in blood. Macbeth PDF determines to consult the Weïrd Sisters again. 

They comfort him with ambiguous promises. Another nobleman, Macduff, rides to England to join Duncan’s older son, Malcolm. Macbeth  has Macduff’s wife and children murdered. Malcolm and Macduff lead an army against Macbeth , as Lady Macbeth  goes mad and commits suicide. Macbeth  confronts Malcolm’s army, trusting in the Weïrd Sisters’ comforting promises. He learns that the promises are tricks, but continues to fight. Macduff kills Macbeth  and Malcolm becomes Scotland’s king.


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